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Chocolate Conche Machine Method And The Importance Of The Jacket Body

What are the possible refining methods in a Chocolate Conche Machine?

Two basic refining methods include:

dry refining

Here, the fat content will remain at a constant level of 23% for most of the refining process. Then you'll add more fat in the final stage of dry refining.

wet refining

At this stage, you will add the full-fat content when starting the chocolate conching process.

What is the importance of the jacketed body of the conch?

The jacket body ensures that the chocolate near the jacket walls stays liquid, just like a large amount of chocolate stays warm.

The conch has a jacketed body that contains the mechanism for tumbling all the ingredients that are essential to making chocolate.

Rolling the ingredients creates a lot of heat.

Low friction levels will result in an incomplete mixing process if the ingredients are not cooled.

After mixing the ingredients, you may need to heat the conch and then cool it down again.

Since the chocolate has a larger surface area than a conch, the jacket body keeps the chocolate in the same state.

This difference in surface area causes chocolate to take a long time to heat or cool.

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